Posted by : firdachivers
Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013
(Firda Nurdiana)
The hardest research from central children in University of New Hamspire found that 9% from youngster in researching has already gotten some insults in 2000. such as threat and negative rumour which is including cyberbullying. The existence of cyberbullying evokes emotional problem, insomnia and psychology problem which become the hotest issue which is difficult to solve.
According to Bryan Piotrowshi as the autor "Information and Education" book said that cyberbullying is hardess whch is gotten by human and done by their peer from internet or cyber. So that, the victim will be depress and powerless when they are attacked.
Nonetheless, there are some kinds of cyberbullying, as follows: showing a lack of picture (vulgar) without anykind of permissions, making a blog that exist hatred of somebody nd sending a shortmessage or E-mail with it's threat.
As matter of fact, cyberbullying gives some impacts, those are :
1. Being modest person
2. Supporting commit suicide desire
3. Having sensitive emotional (affraid, angry, depressing and frustration)
On the contrary, the development of technology cannot be avoided from human daily until it evokes cyberbullying happen because many people have already had mobile phone and had facebook or other networking technologies.
Therefore, there are 3 strong solving problems, those are:
1. Being far from belt comment of other people in ilussion world
2. Protecting your own social networking account
3. Approving unknown frien request
Briefly, the development of technology evokes a bullying such cyberbullying which only happen in some technologies such as facebook and mobile phone or other technologies. These are fairly common gripes that would no doubt have heart about or perhaps even complained about our self protection. Ourselves psychology is very important, it is not something that we should take lightly as it could have a negative impact on the quality of our sel and also be potentially fatal. We also must be aware that cyberbullying plays extraordinary role in developing science and technology.
" Something which is started by high emotion will be finished by a shame feeling" (Benyamin Franklin).